Let me introduce you to someone, my father-in-law, Bill Rihn. A retired engineer, Bill is one of those people who sees a need for something and then moves forward to make it happen. You might find him tutoring in his local public schools, working in political campaigns, or spearheading efforts to protect the environment in his California beachside community.
Most recently, Bill and his neighbors in South Laguna Beach have rolled up their sleeves (literally) and moved mountains (of dirt). They've taken a patch of land and, with the generous consent of the property owner, obtained city permits, solicited donations for plumbing, constructed raised beds, brought in topsoil, and installed a shed. As a result of their vision and sweat equity, an idle piece of real estate has been transformed into the South Laguna Community Garden. (Bill is pictured above with Shary Seltzer, who painted the sign.)
Most recently, Bill and his neighbors in South Laguna Beach have rolled up their sleeves (literally) and moved mountains (of dirt). They've taken a patch of land and, with the generous consent of the property owner, obtained city permits, solicited donations for plumbing, constructed raised beds, brought in topsoil, and installed a shed. As a result of their vision and sweat equity, an idle piece of real estate has been transformed into the South Laguna Community Garden. (Bill is pictured above with Shary Seltzer, who painted the sign.)
After a summer's worth of planning and hard work, the group is installing the last few planting boxes now, and plots are being assigned. The garden is officially a project of the South Laguna Civic Association, of which Bill is president. While having an umbrella organization in place probably made some of the start-up aspects easier, any group of dedicated individuals could create such a garden.
Events to mark the garden's official opening are now being planned, and I know this group would like to start things in a big way by welcoming a very special guest. Mrs. Obama, are you interested in a trip to Laguna Beach to meet some community volunteers? You can't beat a garden with an ocean view.
Events to mark the garden's official opening are now being planned, and I know this group would like to start things in a big way by welcoming a very special guest. Mrs. Obama, are you interested in a trip to Laguna Beach to meet some community volunteers? You can't beat a garden with an ocean view.